Gold Shopping Hamper


Weetabix Wholegrain Cereals (450gms); Kericho gold loose tea jar (500gms); Glade Air freshener Ocean (300ml); Nuteez Peanut Butter Smooth (800gms); Blue Band Margarine (1 Kg); Maccoffee classic (100gms); Blue Band Margarine (1 Kg); Pearl Rice (5 Kgs); Sugar (5 Kgs); Nutella chocolate spread (350gms); Protex Medicated Sopa Herbal; Dove Baby Wash Dry Oil...

Price $160.00
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Queen of my heart


Have a sweetheart or a special someone you want to let know they are special in your life. Then send them these beautiful flowers today.

Price $38.00
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Deluxe Fruit Basket


 It has 3 big paw paws, 12 apples, 10 oranges, 12 big bananas, 1 packets of grapes, 3 big mangoes, 2 Kiwi, 1 big pineapple and a 2 sweet melons.

Price $58.00
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Kenya Pioneer chronicles

By Stephen Mills & Errol Trzebinski 



Call or Text us on Whatsapp on +254 722 760655


"Every pioneering family in Kenya had equally fascinating tales to tell and each member of the family many unique anecdotes. Some pioneers were barely in their twenties, holding a common conviction of exchanging an old way life for something new brim-full with promise and opportunity. Their departures from “home” were filled with bustle, panic and a sense of finality; mothers, fiancées and wives mopped their swollen eyes believing that the dark continent would swallow their beloveds whole. A few men did disappear but Africa was honed again and again by those survivors with technical knowhow, who made British East Africa their home." 

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